February is the month of Valentines (or "Gal"-entines for all you happy campers). It is the month of love. It's LUV-U-ARY!
Let's truly fill February with love… and mostly fill it with love for ourselves.
Let's “love big” in February. Love life… love others… and love yourself most of all.
Here is what love is for us at Camp Atta Girl!...
Love is about slowing down.
Love is being grateful for the little things.
Love is having compassion for all people. People who have hurt me. People who I do not understand or agree with their ideas. People who are having a bad day and take it out on me. All people… including compassion for myself.
Love is walking away at times and just breathing.
Love is about the law of attraction and knowing what I give out is what I will attract.
Love is about being true to myself and not changing who I am based on what others may think of me… or what I THINK they may think of me.
Love is looking that stranger in the eye and giving them a big smile and seeing how just a smile can make a person feel like they matter.
Love is knowing I am not alone in what I am feeling.
Love is remembering – no matter what challenges I may be going through – how strong and amazing I am.
Love is knowing I am worthy of joy and happiness.
Love is knowing if that joy and happiness are eluding me right now, that it is okay to feel whatever I am feeling. Love is giving myself permission to be human.
Love is knowing I am doing the best I can and that is enough.
What does love mean to you? Whatever it means for you, let us all love ourselves and others a little deeper in February.
This February (and all year, actually), know in your heart how wonderful you are. Love yourself so much that what others think of you does not matter.
This month, show someone that they matter. This month, love big.
Atta girl!
February 2023 Calendar! LOVE BIG!
This month's theme is, what else, "LUV-u-ary!" - each day, there's something for you to do that will focus on loving yourself big, loving others big, loving life big!
And follow us as we love big throughout the the month of February!
Instagram: instagram.com/lisabaileysullivan/
Facebook: facebook.com/campattagirl
You can download the calendar at the button or click on the calendar graphic! Atta girl!
Love yourself big! Join us at one of our upcoming Camp Atta Girl! retreats!
Post this note on your bathroom mirror all month! Click on it to download and print!