Join our one-hour joyfest circles, where like-hearted women connect, find support, spark new ideas, and dance!
Women have been gathering in a circle for tens of thousands of years. Unfortunately, these traditions were lost due to busy lives. Despite a deep desire and our best intentions, we get put on the back-burner in exchange for the demands of daily life. The to-do lists, home life, career, paying the bills… it all adds up and our connection to ourselves and our joyful spirit falls away….
But no more! Campfire Connections brings you back to you! Stop DOING and start BEING!
What are Campfire Connections?
Campfire Connections are one-hour joyfest calls where a sisterhood of campers connect around the virtual campfire. Each campfire circle will center upon a theme designed to build our joy and resilience so that we can become stronger and happier.
It's a sisterhood of happier campers connecting around the campfire, bringing happiness to our lives.

Campfire Connections take place under the wisdom of the coming new moon. Every month, we'll gather around the Campfire, with each circle taking place on or close to the new moon.
How do I sign up for Campfire Connections?
Registration will begin in October. There will be different ways join! You can pitch your tent for individual Campfire Connections, or camp out for an extended stay!
Pitch your tent - Sign up for a single Campfire Connection
Hook up your RV - Sign up for 3 months of Campfire Connections
What will we do?
We will gather around the “campfire” on Zoom to connect with our sisters, tell stories, support each other, learn from one another and of course dance a little around the virtual campfire. Light your candle, sign on to zoom and let the joy begin!
Each Campfire Connection will feature its own happiness theme, such as resilience, compassion, gratitude, positivity, relationships, love, self-care, etc. The hour will be conversational and experiential. Each circle will be mixed with a little knowledge about how to cultivate our happiness based on wisdom traditions and researched tools of positive psychology and the science of happiness. And there will be music and dancing. Always dancing.
Registration Opens in October!
Who are the Connection Leaders?
Lisa Sullivan and Ellen Feig Gray are the circle leaders/camp counselors. Lisa will light the Campfire, and Ellen will keep the fire burning by leading the flow of the hour. Both will share learnings, lead the circles through music and movement and more. Some circles may even feature special guest camp counselors who connect with the theme of that Campfire.
But the real sheroes of Campfire Connections are the women around the circle. All the women gathered are the story tellers. Each of us has stories that can help others. Your story matters. This is a judgment-free circle of love, where you can share your story around the campfire or just listen and take in the joy, the healing, and the fun!


Lisa Sullivan
"Hi, I'm Lisa! My mission in life is help women find their voice, power, light and purpose by playing big in life, embrace your true self, have fun in life and do whatever it is you are being called to do!
I created Camp Atta Girl! because I wanted every woman — no matter what age, no matter what size, no matter what "challenges" they may be facing — to find their safety and groundedness, self-love, courage, voice, moxie and joy! I want you to love and embrace your beautiful, real self! And I want to give you the "atta girls" you may not always get in life!
I love helping women through a combination of science and "woo-woo" — combining the science of happiness with wild and wonderful music and dance movements through the chakras. I connect your mind with your soul.
I hope you'll join Ellen and me in our circles. No more playing small... just playing!"
Just email us at info@campattagirl.com and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!
Ellen Feig Gray
"I'm Ellen! I am a Certified Positive Psychology Coach with a passion for raising and educating the next generation to flourish. I use strengths-based approaches and evidence-based tools and practices from the science of happiness and developmental psychology to help children, young people and their families to become happier and improve their whole-being wellness. I especially love coaching women and girls of all ages to create their vision for living their best personal and professional life, and to support them in making it happen!
I am co-author of the book, Hacking School Culture, Designing Compassionate Classrooms (2018), and a contributor, with Resilience Now for Parents, to the free ebook Helping Our Kids Going Back to School Well: A Practical Guide for Parents & Educators During COVID-19 (2020).
When I’m not writing or reading, or coaching or teaching, I enjoy time with family and close friends, having fun sharing our personal stories and lifting each other up. And…you guessed it…I love to dance! As a Certified Let Your Yoga Dance Teacher, I not only teach grown-ups, but I’m also specially trained to lead LYYD for kids and teens.
I consider Lisa to be my “sister-of-the-heart” and I’m "over the moon" excited to be one of your Camp Atta Girl! counselors and Campfire Connections leaders."