Are you finding moments of joy and laughter in your life? April is the perfect time to find those moments of laughter and humor and good fun!
And to give you a little incentive, we're doing a little fun challenge! Send us a picture of you dancing or having fun in the rain during the month of April and you'll be entered to win a registration to our New England Camp in the Berkshires - Camp Atta Girl! Reignight Overnight!
It's that simple! We'll have a random drawing of everyone who enters. Can't make the camp in September? You can win two registrations to our 5th Anniversary Camp Atta Girl! in the Hill Country!
Here are the simple details:
Send us a picture of you dancing in the rain or having fun in the rain during the month of April.
Email it to us here: info@campattagirl.com.
It's that simple... you'll be entered to win!
If you win, you can choose either one registration to our September 29-October 1 camp in the Berkshires or two registrations to our August 14 camp in the hill country of Texas.
If you've already registered and you win, your original registation will be refunded!
Read complete rules below.

Note from Lisa Sullivan, Founder of Camp Atta Girl!
Why are we doing this contest? It's because the quote above is one of my favoriite quotes! Why?
When my daughter was 10-years-old, I took her on a mom-daughter trip to see the autumn leaves. It rained almost the entire time. So, we went to a local grocery store and bought some umbrellas so we could look at them even though it was pouring.
While walking in a park, she stomped in a puddle and started kicking around a tennis ball she found. I decided to join her and just start stomping and jumping in puddles. For 30 glorious minutes, we had a blast, got our shoes and clothes all muddy. We were soaked and cold, but it was a blast! I just lived in the moment. And I'll never forget what she said during it through laughter...
"This is so much fun, I could do this all day! This is so much more fun than looking at leaves!"
It was one of my favorite moments with her. That night, we went to a local Barnes & Noble and she pointed this out this on a shelf, and of course I bought it:

10 years later, that little trinket from one of my all-time favorite moments with her is still sitting on a shelf where I see it every day. (And I still have the umbrellas we bought!)
Are you finding those kind of moments in your life? April is the perfect time to find those moments of laughter and humor and good fun! And to give you a little incentive, we're doing this little fun challenge!
Find your moments in April. Atta girl!