Welcome to
Embracing Your Shiftshow Minicamp!
Put on your dancing shoes and let's GO!
(atta girls!)
Welcome to our online minicamp! I'm so happy you're joining us!
This minicamp is a combination of the science of happiness (positive psychology) and Let Your Yoga Dance (a beautiful practice that takes yoga off the mat, combining yoga, breath, music, and user-friendly movement, taking you through all the chakras of the body). You can learn more here: Let Your Yoga Dance.
This first module is mostly focused on the root chakra: groundedness and feeling safe. One of the most important things needed for a woman to feel happy and fulfilled is to have a sense of safety, a foundation, something solid to stand on. It's a sense of grounding.
This module is the foundation beneath your feet before you take off and fly!

Four Key Things to Remember:
Be Open to Everything and Attached to nothing;
Do away with the all or nothing approach
Step out of your comfort zone at least once
Just have fun with it!
Atta Girl!
Camp Activity Log - Week 1 Camp Activities!
Go at your own pace! Look at the videos, download the takeaways and other key handouts, dance each day! Love your silly life and shift back to the real you!

Minicamp Module 1 / Week 1
This an introduction of me, why I'm doing what I'm doing, and what I wish for you to get out of this program. (Excuse the wind and my hairs covering my face at times ;-) )

Minicamp Module 1 / Week 1
Gratitude & Benefit Finding
Let's focus on gratitude! And let's find the benefit in everything we can!

Minicamp Module 1 / Week 1
Fear and Breath
This video talks about fear and breath and how much breath is a foundation for living the life you want to live. And a look at how fear can and should be your friend... but you can tell your friend to take a hike whenever you want!

Let Your Yoga Dance - Fear and Gratitude
I'm so Grateful by Karen Drucker
Here's our first "Let Your Yoga Dance" video. This song not only fits gratitude and Chakra 1, but also ties into Chakra 4 and self-love and kindness.
Every Day is a New Day Video!
This song is the theme song for Embracing Your Shiftshow! Some fabulous fellow Let Your Yoga Dance teachers joined in to help with this!
Watch it, crank it up, and dance to life! It keeps getting better!
P.S. You can also dance to the MP3, too!
P.P.S. See below for special note about this video!

Embracing Your Shiftshow — Walk Through Life
Week 1 Takeaways, Tool Kits & Camp Activities!
About Lisa,
Your Camp Counselor
for the Minicamp!
for the 4 Weeks
Module 1
Lyrics to Walk Through Life Song
Shawn Achor's 5 Steps/Habits
for Happiness
(mentioned on Zoom call)
Week 1 Thursday Zoom Call Information
Thursday, 7:00pm CST, 8:00pm EST
You'll receive a email Thursday morning with link, too!
We will post the Zoom call Friday IF it records. Zoom sometimes has issues. We can't promise, but we'll do our best!e!yJjFyd

Apr 30, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 849 0369 9474
Password: 029925
Module 1 / Week 1
Zoom Call Welcome - Monday, April 27

Thursday Zoom Call - Week 1
Module 1 / Week 1
Thursday Zoom Call - Thursday, April 30

Lisa Bailey Sullivan
Camp Counselor
I will be leading the minicamp.
Ellen Feig Gray
Camp Counselor
Ellen will be assisting me
and will share a little on compassion in one of the modules.
Special Note About Our Theme Song Video
When I asked my Let Your Yoga Dance teachers to help out with the Walk Through Life video, Che Amirault asked her 85-year-old mom, Jeanette Marion, if she would be willing to dance, too, as her mom feels as if she has "no thing" to offer any more.
Her mom had been a dancer her whole life, ballet, jazz, tap, ballroom. Che told her “as long as you have a breath in your body you have something to offer of service.” Che told her if she would be willing to dance in the chair with her oxygen on, she would be a beacon of inspiration for others who are facing challenges and she rose to the occasion.
The clip of her is 5-days after being released from the hospital.
I think Che is an angel and so right!
ATTA GIRL, Che’s mom! Atta girl, Che!